Shonishin (Paediatric Acupuncture)

More commonly known as paediatric acupuncture, Shonishin literally translated means sho for little, ni for children, and shin for needle (although, typically, no needles are used and nothing actually penetrates the skin). Tracing its roots back to 17th century Osaka, Japan (and ultimately to ancient China), this specialised acupuncture technique was developed specifically for babies and children up to the age of seven.
One child treated for faecal incontinence and severe constipation managed to have three 'poos' before even leaving the clinic!
Practitioners insist Shonishin offers a viable alternative to pharmaceuticals in the treatment of childhood health problems - everything from behavioural and emotional to many physical conditions. It has been used with some success in treating infants and children with a wide variety of conditions, including colic, indigestion, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), constipation, and diarrhoea.
Children as young as one month old have been effectively treated.
It has even shown some success in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), allergies, asthma, eczema, hives, bedwetting and stammering.
Kath is an experienced practitioner in Shonishin where the emphasis is on teaching the child's parents how to treat the child.